Helping with Grief
It is never easy to say goodbye to someone you love; there are no guidelines for managing grief, no handbook to prepare for these moments. Following homicide people can feel incredibly alone, isolated, and uncertain about what the future will hold.
In contemporary society, death in itself is difficult to deal with. Even as people live longer, our social values are structured so we have less contact with the infirm and dying.
When a family member or close friend dies as a result of homicide, this is a particular type of grief, brought about by extraordinary circumstances. Our usual reactions to grief - anger, blame, shock, guilt - are all heightened. The involvement of the criminal justice system further complicates our usual human reactions to grief.
We have provided links to some useful fact Sheets from The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement which may help you understand some of the sensations and concerns you are feeling.
We are available 24/7 to support you.
Helpful Links
About Grief
How to help someone who is grieving
Grief, Anniversaries & Significant Events
Children and Grief (Pre-school aged, five and under)
Children and Grief (Primary School aged, 6-12)
Adolescents and Grief
Bereavement in the workplace