What is Advocacy?
Advocacy can be described as public support for, or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. Advocacy is about being active – whether that’s by telling your story, lobbying decision makers or mobilising others. Since our very beginning, QHVSG has recognised the need to support the rights of our members. This is why Advocacy is a part of our Strategic Planning and day to day work.
Why do we do this
QHVSG knows that Victims' have rights but that our voice is not always heard. We also know that because of the impact of homicide, that some of our members are not in a time of life where they are able to raise their concerns.
Our mission is to advocate for reform on behalf individuals and also to address large scale change from government action (e.g new funding, new laws or improving the system). This large scale change is the most effective way to create change that lasts and benefits everyone now and in the future.
What we do
QHVSG have provided many submissions to government agencies since 1995 and we will continue to do so.
If you have an issue that you feel may be of benefit to others, please contact as through the form below.