Queensland Homicide Victims’ Support Group (QHVSG) was founded on the 7th February 1995 in Northern Queensland, when five families united to address the desperate lack of assistance and support for all families who have experienced the loss of a loved one through murder. During this time, there were no specific government services or community groups available to assist families nor provide them with specific support and information.
This lack of support at the time resulted in families being left isolated and alone during an extremely intense and incredibly painful period of their lives. Further to this was a yearning from families to meet with others who too had lost a loved one in such a brutal manner. To learn from and share their experiences with each other; we refer to this as Peer Support.
Now after almost 25 years, QHVSG provides both Peer Support and case management through trained grief counsellors. Our skills and experience in providing Education, Support and Advocacy for our members continue to be there 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
February 7 1995.
QHVSG Founded
February 8 1995.
First QHVSG Committee formed.
April 11 1995.
Televised public event occurred in Townsville to create awareness of the group.
First Townsville representative appointed.
May 7 1995.
Televised public forum in Cairns.
First Cairns representative appointed.
June 29 1995.
QHVSG granted Certificate of Incorporation.
July 3 1995.
First Brisbane information meeting held in Brisbane CBD.
November 1995.
QHVSG successfully advocates for change with the COVA Bill (Criminal Offence Victims’ Act) being put before Parliament.
First victim impact statement given in QLD Court.
January 15 1996.
First grant from QLD Government Grant of $10200 provided.
January 28 1996.
First centralised phone system established.
June 1996.
QHVSG invited to attend Gun Legislation Ministerial forum.
July 1996.
QHVSG invited to attend QLD’s first Crime Forum in Townsville.
September 1996.
QHVSG invited to present submissions at the state crime command summit by the Attorney General.
October 1997.
First fundraising dinner dance occurs in Brisbane.
June 1997.
First QHVSG Strategic Planning workshop occurs in Cairns.
20 November 1996.
QHVSG is registered as a Charity.
Bob Atkinson OAM accepted offer to be Patron of QHVSG.
April 27 1998.
First significant funding of $125,000 was received for a service agreement by the Department of Justice.
May 1998.
First employed staff commenced.
September 25 1998.
‘Solace House’ officially opened by Attorney General Matt Foley and Shadow Minister for Families Denver Beanland.
Annual Memorial Services commence in North and South QLD.
October 1998.
24 hour 1800 phone support commences.
Everlasting Daisy adopted as the QHVSG logo.
QHVSG information and support kit developed and provided to each family.
QHVSG supports its first overseas family after the murder of a Japanese student in Cairns.
June 2000.
QHVSG members attend the first QLD Police Detective Training Course in relation to working with families.
First volunteer training course held in Brisbane and Cairns.
First website developed and electronic database established.
Homicide notification forms become a standard operational procedure for QPS. Staff are now able to make contact with families across QLD in a timely fashion.
Regular support Meetings in Brisbane, Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Darling Downs, Gold Coast.
QHVSG Tenth anniversary
Inaugural Homicide Awareness Day held in King George Square, Brisbane.
Parole Legislation changes allow homicide victims’ to provide submissions when a perpetrator is applying for release.
Our first website unveiled with a foreword by Patron Bob Atkinson stating “In a perfect World there would be no need For QHVSG.’
QHVSG take ownership of the violence prevention ‘One Punch Can Kill’ Campaign and secures the trademark. It owns this to this day.
Advocacy commences around Accident and provocation which leads to legislative change.
QHVSG Volunteer of the year Awards commence.
QHVSG a key stakeholder in the Qld Government Victims’ of Crime Review.
QHVSG CEO Jonty Bush awarded as Young Australian of the Year.
Court transcripts will be made available to one member of the victim’s immediate family
QHVSG moves to its current location in north Brisbane.
1 November 2012.
New Commissioner of Police Ian Stewart becomes the QHVSG Patron.
Newslink now provided to over 700 members
QHVSG presents at the 15th Annual International World Symposium of Victimology
Inaugural Service Awards night occurs named “Night of Recognition.”
One Punch Can Kill Campaign secures QLD Education funding to deliver to over 200 High Schools across QLD.
No Body No Parole Legislation is passed with Fiona Splitt being instrumental in establishing the initial petition for change. QHVSG has significant input once the bill came to light.
Inaugural Children’s Christmas Party occurs on the Gold Coast.
MOU established with Court Network Victim Support Unit to maximise support for QHVSG Members.
QHVSG provides support for research in relation to Media Impact and also Intimate Partner Femicide (with Griffith University and University of Sydney).
Inaugural ‘Men’s Retreat’ occurred at Lake Moogorah, QLD.
QHVSG succeeds in having a victims’ advocate on the Parole Board QLD.
QLD and NSW organisations commit to form a ‘Homicide Authority Committee’ to advocate for services in all Australian States and territories.
QHVSG formally recognised in QLD Parliament for outstanding work in its field.
Increasingly positive ties made with QLD Correction Services in refining processes and communication around the Victims’ Register processes.
Successful Queensland Sentencing Advisory Councils submissions based on addressing inadequate sentencing around the death of children.
QHVSG employees its first ever Peer Support Coordinator.
QHVSG established a Memorandum of Understanding with Royal Flying Doctor Service to support the Peer Support Program across rural and remote QLD locations.
Inaugural ‘Woman’s retreat’ occurred at Maleny with a founding member attending.
25 July 2019
New Commissioner of Police Katarina Carrol, becomes the QHVSG Patron.
Will be our 25th Anniversary.